
Пиво Best Bitter - Malanka

Bitter - Best • 4.1% ABV • 30 IBU

We turn once again to the British classic, and this time we release perhaps the most popular type of beer in this country - Best Bitter. This is the beer we picture when we think of cosy, dark British pubs with old furniture, creaky wooden floors and seductive session cask ales. Our best bitter is definitely not the beer that will impress you with its unusual taste. It is simple, crushing, easy, but at the same time rich in taste and balanced. We sincerely hope that this little pub ale will help you take a little gastronomic journey to the Foggy Albion.

Описание производителя
  • Пивоварня: Malanka
  • Стиль: Bitter - Best
  • Алкоголь: 4.1% ABV
  • Горечь: 30 IBU
  • Начало выпуска: 13.06.2023
  • Плотность: 11.0%
  • Untappd:
  • Хмель: East Kent Golding × Fuggle
  • Солод: Cara Clair × Pale Ale × Biscuit × Cara Ruby
  • Рейтинг в Untappd: 3.744 (197 оценок)
  • Страна: Беларусь

Отзывы: 1

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