Badlands Brewing Company

Пиво Mingle (March 2021) - Badlands Brewing Company

IPA - American • 6.5% ABV
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Mingle is our series of beers where we blend whatever hops we feel like to see if they have chemistry with each other. Often these blends will feature some variation of new to us hops that will be blended with some of our classic, mainstay favorites; or just whatever variation of hops we have on hand that we think are tasting particularly dazzling at any given time. Freed from the rigidity of conceptual planning of labels and recipe creation, this series allows us the creative freedom to tweak and refine all aspects of the beer. We hope you dig this series as much as we do! This particular version sees us blending Sabro, HBC 586 and El Dorado, the result is nothing short of tropical fruit salad. We taste notes of coconut, mango, guava, citrus infused pineapples, and hints of lychee. This is the type of blend we started this series for. It forces us to look outside the cheater hop comfort zone of Citra, Mosaic, Galaxy and find new blends with both hops new, old, underused, and under-loved to find blends that can elevate each others finest characteristics.

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