Badlands Brewing Company

Пиво Turn 3 - Badlands Brewing Company

IPA - Imperial / Double • 8.2% ABV
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Our anniversary DIPA. We're 3 years old! Tough to believe, but here we are, still in business 3 years later. We had some big plans for our anniversary event but pandemics have this weird way of changing all the plans you made. This year we wont get to hang out with all of you while a live band and live owls/hawks rock out, but that just means next year we'll have a double birthday bash. We did still buy ourselves a present though: a new brewery! It'll still be a number of weeks before its running, but its here, things are being hooked up every day, and eventually enough things will be hooked up that we can complete the brewing process and beer shall be yours from it. Thank you everyone! Genuinely, we are nothing without you.

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