
Пиво Weihenstephaner Uferlos Revival Ale - Weihenstephan

Brown Ale - English • 5.6% ABV • 34 IBU
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

The Weihenstephaner Uferlos Revival Ale is a top fermented special beer, brewed with a very fruity Ale-yeast and a new hop cultivar named ‘Hallertauer Cascade’. An enjoyable taste of Citrus and well balanced aromas of several fresh fruits are responsible for the harmonic palate teasing and gentle character of this brew. As all of the Weihenstephaner Special Editions this beer has a unique background, which is a festival that is celebrated once a year at the hometown of Weihenstephan in Freising. The festival features music, food and art from all over the world and is well known as an event for the whole family which is focused on sustainability. This beer is served at the festival exclusively and we are proud to be able to bring this beer now over to you as well.

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