The White Hag × Cloudwater

Пиво Cairde Gan Teorainneacha - The White Hag, Cloudwater

IPA - Black / Cascadian Dark Ale • 6.2% ABV
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The fourth in a series of collaborations ahead of our first festival, Friends & Family & Beer. White Hag from Sligo are known for their deliciously drinkable stout Black Pig while we're synonymous with hops, so a Black IPA seemed the perfect compromise. Notes of orange and blackcurrant lead into hints of chocolate and roast and a pithy, bitter finish.

Aroma & Flavour:
Orange and blackcurrant up front, followed by papaya, melon and light chocolate and roasted malt notes

Medium bodied with drying finish

Pithy bitterness, lingering orange notes

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