Firestone Walker

Пиво Parabajava (2016) - Firestone Walker

Stout - Russian Imperial • 13.0% ABV
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Parabajava is an ongoing series of infusing some of the best coffees in the world in to Parabola, our decadent Russian Imperial Stout. This year, we collaborated with local Templeton coffee roaster Dark Nectar; their Ugandan single origin roast adds subtle nutty and fruity accents that round out the flavor profile of Parabajava, resulting in an overall profile reminiscent of a rich, espresso-infused batch of fudge brownies. The barrels selected for the final blend were from several batches in the summer of 2015, averaging just over a year in age at blending. We then cold-infused freshly roasted and coffee direct from Dark Nectar.

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