Hop Hooligans

Пиво Lederhosen - Hop Hooligans

Wheat Beer - Hefeweizen • 5.0% ABV

Ingredients: Water, Malted Barley, Malted wheat, Hops (Hallertau Mittelfrueh), Yeast (WLP300) Brewing a traditional hefeweizen is serious business. A thorough process riddled with terms like triple decoction, ferulic acid rest, and incredibly exact mash and fermentation temperatures. All of that just to get a perfect balance of banana and clove, with just the right amount of German hops. Can’t mess with their means because the Reinheitsgebot police will get you... That’s why we tried to get as much banana character as possible and a quaffable body. But we can guarantee you, we were wearing lederhosen during each step of the process!

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