Kehrwieder Kreativbrauerei

Пиво The Love Me Or Die - Kehrwieder Kreativbrauerei

Belgian Tripel • 10.6% ABV

The LoveMeOrDie - Spiced Tripel mit Ingwer, Anis, Tonka-Zucker und Wermutkraut - A friendship born from the shared love of Beer, Fine Art and Craftmanship – every year Brewmaster Oliver Wesseloh and Artist Jörg Heikhaus aka Alex Diamond combine their passion and create a unique beer. The second Artist Edition is a spiced Triple as complex and double-edged as the Love-or-Death Voodoo Charm in C.W. Stoneking’s song that inspired the Artwork. This beer, loaded with herbs and spices that are said to be aphrodisiac, greets with the pleasant sweetness of the tonka-sugar and turns to the unique, herbal bitterness of the wormwood.

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