Mad Scientist

Пиво Egomaniac Simcoe - Mad Scientist

IPA - Imperial / Double • 8.0% ABV

DDH DIPA 8 % When Egomaniac came out in 2018, we introduced a hop addition of 30g/liter which was by that time the most anyone has ever done in Hungary. By now, we are pretty sure, that this is not the case anymore, but we still consider this one a really nice recipe for a beer. Egomaniac is single-hop, trying to showcase the very characteristic of a single variety of hops. Originally this was Citra, but with this one, it is one of our other inhouse favorite: Simcoe. Today, these hops are considered veteran classics of the industry but we can't help it. We still love to use them. When we tried to characterize Simcoe, we came up with the words pomelo and passion fruit. It really depends on your crop and the brew itself too, but this is what we have. When we rebrewed Egomaniac now in 2020, we were so curious about what we can achieve with it using our knowledge in brewing by that time. We are curious again, especially because we can finally package this one in its perfect form: a 0,44 can.

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