
Пиво Loojang (Cellar Series) - Põhjala

Barleywine - American • 11.4% ABV • 40 IBU
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

A mighty USA-hopped barley wine, aged in Armagnac and Oloroso sherry barrels. Taste: Burnt toffee, caramelised figs, pecan nuts, with a hint of fruity, herbal hops. Sweet malts mingle elegantly with a rich sherry character, before being lifted up by a sweet and spicy flavour from Armagnac, eventually lending a slight anise character. Best enjoyed whilst watching a mediterranean sunset. Appearance: Copper with a blood orange hue and beige head. Nose: Smooth toasted oak, vanilla, red grape, and redcurrants. Malts: Pale malt, Cara pale, Cara 50, Cara 150, Red malt Hops: Magnum, Belma, Calypso

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