
Пиво Hop Bomb Challenge 2011 - Mikkeller

IPA - Imperial / Double • 6.3% ABV
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

At Mikkeller, we are firm in our belief that the best ideas from the brightest minds can be found among the ranks of the home-brewers. That is why we continue to nurture the innovative guys (so far only guys, come on ladies!) that make up the backbone of the big, bad home-brewing beer scene. The 2011 Hop Bomb Challenge winner is Søren Davids – winning the title two years in a row! Our Swedish brothers followed up strongly, with Sea-goat Brewing coming in second and Christian Kapusta third. A big thanks to all of you who went through the trouble of brewing and submitting a Hop Bomb. We at Mikkeller appreciate the amount of love (and hops) that goes into every one of your home-brews. Ingredienser: Vand, malt, (Pale, Munich, Caramunich, Wheat), humle (Simcoe, Centennial, Athanum) og gær.

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