
Welbeck Abbey Brewery

Уэрксоп, Великобритания


Pale Ale - Other • 4.4% ABV • 02.04.2022


IPA - White / Wheat • 5.0% ABV • 02.04.2022


Blonde Ale • 4.5% ABV • 13.10.2017


Stout - Oatmeal • 5.4% ABV • 16.03.2015

Nestled away on the Welbeck estate, we're busily crafting away making beer. You'll find much variety in the styles of beer we produce and our core range represents traditional brewing and showcases the finest ingredients. Each month you'll be treated to three special brews where we enjoy the flexibility of sourcing new hop varieties or adding something a little different into the brew. For more information or to get in touch please visit our website or connect with us on social media.

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