Bad Seed Brewing

Пиво Pink Moon - Bad Seed Brewing

Sour - Fruited Berliner Weisse • 4.0% ABV

Pink Moon is a kettle-soured Berliner Weisse with blueberry and blackcurrant. We brewed a simple base beer of wheat and pilsner malt, that we soured for 48 hours before boiling, cooling and fermenting it. Around 250 kgs of blueberry and blackcurrant purée was added to the 2000 L of beer during fermentation. The result is a 4% sour ale with a lovely purple appearance, beautiful pink foam, and of course a soft delicious berry-flavor. It has a balanced and clean tartness, and flavors of blackcurrants on the nose. The blueberries come through more in the taste, as well as blackcurrants and a lovely tart and dry finish.

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