Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

Пиво Антишейк (Antishake) - Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

IPA - Milkshake • 5.5% ABV • 65 IBU

The modern world’s made us care too much about what other people think – everyone’s tripping over themselves jumping on the bandwagon or hashtagging the latest trend. It’s like we’re afraid individuality loses relevance if it’s not in step. On the contrary! Only by rejecting pop culture can we maintain the shaky balance between form and substance – not necessarily by shaking things up so much as preserving the age-old freshness of an independent perspective. So make way for Antishake! We’ve upped the game with berries for this IPA, already an icon of brew culture’s contemporary renaissance, to complement a rich, hoppy bouquet with a fragrant raspberry explosion. We softened the malt body with lactose, evoking the original sour tones and preserving the dry hop bitterness. Feel free to take in its cloudy amber colour, speckled with bright pink, but don’t mistake it for just another milkshake.

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Гель для душа "лесные ягоды" (мыло, жженая резина, ягоды)

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