Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

Пиво Иллюзия Скромности (False Modesty) - Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

Pale Ale - Other • 5.5% ABV • 35 IBU

Imagine, if you can, having never encountered the avant-garde before – but you’re seeing it here, now, and with fresh eyes. You look at it and can’t help thinking how familiar and primitive the picture is. On second glance, however, all the pieces collide into a whole, sowing doubts and producing a glassy impression of restraint – you realize its simplicity hides something luminous, stirring, and that everything up to now has merely been False Modesty. An ale saturated with burgundy tones, False Modesty hides delicate berry notes behind a familiar, citrus flavour. And even then, these first hints of blueberry juice are eventually tagged out for a hoppy, bitter aftertaste.

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