
Пиво Black Eyed King Imp - BrewDog

Stout - Imperial / Double • 11.8% ABV • 85 IBU
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Two years is a long time. Plus at BrewDog, we measure in dog years, which makes it feel like an eternity. Back in 2012 we brewed this extra-small-batch prototype and rather than bottle it there and then (which we could have happily done) we locked it away in some gnarly old whisky barrels at the back of our Fraserburgh warehouse. Before it even went into barrel, this stout had huge chocolate aromas and flavours, from the intense malt bill and cacao nibs, tempered with a roasty bitter espresso character and a spicy hop profile. Two years in barrel has intensified the rich, round sweet malt flavours, and layered in deep chewy molasses, warming spicy brandy notes, and a liqueur coffee creaminess. Black Eyed King Imp is an extremely small batch beer, and ultra-limited edition. This beer is worth spending an afternoon over, allowing the flavours to develop and unravel while you discuss philosophy/become one with the universe/ watch an entire box set of your choosing.

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