
Пиво Hello My Name Is Ingrid - BrewDog

IPA - Imperial / Double • 8.2% ABV • 70 IBU

So just who is Ingrid? Perhaps she’s a reference to the Swedish silver screen icon or maybe it’s the line seemingly spoken by every other Swedish actress in films from the 60s and 70s (we know you know the ones we’re talking about). One thing is certain – this Swedish inspired Double IPA is not as innocent as she at first appears. A seductive body of rich malts and a buxom amount of Citra, Nelson Sauvin and Bramling Cross hops have been added to fresh Scandinavian cloudberries to deliver this beer’s raunchy tart finish. Designed by the readers of Swedish beer blog BeerSweden, ‘Hello, My Name is Ingrid’ is a celebration of all that is great about Sweden. It does not, however, contain any pickled herrings. Or meatballs. Malts: Cara and Extra Pale Hops: Bramling Cross, Centennial, Citra, Columbus and Enigma.

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