BrewDog × Amundsen Brewery

Пиво Mallow Mafia - BrewDog, Amundsen Brewery

Stout - Imperial / Double Milk • 12.0% ABV • 75 IBU

We recently welcomed the guys from Amundsen as part of our European collaboration series. Did we want to brew up something light and crisp that would cool you down in the june 'heat'... hell no, not on this occasion! It was a go hard or go home situation, so here we have it, a 12% Russian Imperial Stout! Brewed with the addition of cocoa, coffee and marshmallow, Mallow Mafia will rip your head off at the first chance it gets, but treat it with respect and it'll no doubt be your new best friend. Each intense addition to the beer will pop out on your palate before leading onto a warming, rich and bittersweet finish.

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