
Пиво Russian Doll Double IPA - BrewDog

IPA - Imperial / Double • 8.0% ABV • 85 IBU
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

Russian Doll is our latest exploration into ingredients, following on from IPA is Dead & Unleash the Yeast. This time, we take the same beer but brew it with different amounts of malts to create four beers with differing ABVs. There’s a great complexity when trying the beers side by side - the aromas & flavours from extra pale, cara and dark crystal malts vary from biscuity through caramel, toffee and treacle as you might expect, but the hops (simcoe, citra, cascade and centennial) present differently from style to style - from zesty to tropical through stone fruit to jammy. The labels feature exclusive artwork by Esther McManus.

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