
Пиво Watt Dickie - BrewDog

Freeze-Distilled Beer • 35.0% ABV
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

This is alchemy and apothecary. Fuelled by an innate need to see what was possible. We went to the limits of brewing and took a match to them. Watt Dickie shakes maniacally at the foundations of what’s expected of us and of everything around us. This is liquid science fiction. Welcome to a brave new world. This is an insanely amplified IPA masquerading as a spirit. A faux spirit, a dead spirit, a new spirit. Born as an India Pale Ale, Watt Dickie then undergoes patent pending (and consequentely for now secret) freezing alchemy which transforms the beer into a high octane roller coaster of flavour, craftsmanship, originality and audacity. The process condenses & amplifies the flavour, body and mouth-feel resulting in full bodied malty, hoppy rock ‘n roll opulence which is unlike anything you (or anyone else) has ever tasted before. Watt Dickie is uncarbonated and designed to be drunk and enjoyed as a spirit: have it neat, have it on the rocks or even make a cocktail with it. The spirit is dead. Long live the spirit. Long live Watt Dickie.

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