Brouwerij de Molen × Brouwerij Kees × Marble Beers Ltd

Пиво Good, Bad & Ugly - Brouwerij de Molen, Brouwerij Kees, Marble Beers Ltd

Spiced / Herbed Beer • 8.9% ABV • 20 IBU
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

A Strong Ale spiced with all kinds of goodies. Our favourite feisty diva Madame Jeanette is present again, along with seasonings as Lapsang Souchong tea, ginger, star anise and honey. The collab is one of the re-runs of previous collaborations Marble Brewery engaged in during their existence. With all new beers of course. Good, Bad & Ugly is the one that was brewed at our place! The brewers also brewed at Kees and in Manchester at Marble's. All to celebrate the 20th birthday of Marble Brewery this November 2017. Hoppy birthday!

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