Cigar City Brewing

Пиво Cestero Double IPA - Cigar City Brewing

IPA - Imperial / Double • 8.4% ABV • 70 IBU

Sometimes even the most successful jai alai players need an equipment tune-up. With the pelota reaching speeds of 130 miles per hour when it hits a player’s cesta, or hand-held wicker basket, their gear will be sent to a cestero or master cesta producer to be adjusted or patched. The master Jai Alai producers at Cigar City Brewing have taken their iconic IPA recipe and punched it up with a higher ABV and an intense dry-hop regimen of Idaho 7, Amarillo, Pacifica, and Equinox hops to put a new spin on Jai Alai. Here’s to masters of their art, be it making cestas or making brilliant hop-forward beers. Tangerine and candied orange aromas mingle with notes of pine notes on the nose of this deceivingly drinkable Double IPA. Flavors of hop resin, clementine and honeydew are supported by a pronounced caramel malt character and a spicy alcohol texture. Incredibly balanced and dangerously drinkable.

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