
Пиво Self Optimisation In the Adjunct Age - Cloudwater

Bitter - Session / Ordinary • 4.4% ABV
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

Bitter is the quintessential British session beer and a style our home city of Manchester is famous for. In an age increasingly fascinated with elaborate adjunct-laden beers, it’s a thrill to brew a classic style that offers uncomplicated satisfaction and easy drinkability. Although traditional Bitter is often malt and yeast forward, this modern twist offers equal balance between those components and dry-hop flavours from English varietals Admiral and East Kent Goldings.

Aroma & Flavour:
Seville orange, blackcurrant and plum, marmalade backbone, biscuit malt notes

Medium-light body with a dry finish

Light herbal bitterness, earthy notes and lasting biscuit malt accents

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