Cigar City Brewing × De Proefbrouwerij

Пиво Tropical Tripel - Cigar City Brewing, De Proefbrouwerij

Belgian Tripel • 9.5% ABV

This collaborative beer from De Proef and Cigar City definitely veers a fair distance from an ordinary Belgian tripel, finding its conceptual kernel as a “peaches-and-cream tripel.” While brewed with Belgian candi sugar and a traditional Trappist yeast strain, the recipe also adds a dose of lactose for additional mouthfeel (the “cream”) and finishes up with dried peaches. A Brux III strain of Brettanomyces and assertive hop additions add to the tropical angle, while further contributions of toasted coconut and medium toasted oak appear as well. Actually, it may make sense to just forget we said anything about this as being a tripel in the first place.

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