Minhas Craft Brewery

Пиво Bootleg - Minhas Craft Brewery

Flavored Malt Beverage • 5.5% ABV

BOOTLEG™ MINNESOTA’S SIGNATURE DRINK™ A refreshingly satisfying handcrafted cocktail-inspired beverage infused with LEMON, LIME and a hint of MINT, blended with a touch of carbonation. Bootleg intrigues with wonderful flavor, soothing aroma and an attractive appearance, perfect for summer days and nights. Have the lakeside Minnesota summers come to you with Bootleg’s refreshingly crisp, authentic cocktail-inspired flavor. Escape the ordinary, make every sip extraordinary. It’s original, exclusive and full of character. Bootleg is best enjoyed over ice, allowing the subtle carbonation to still, and garnished with a sprig of fresh mint.

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