Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

Пиво Vegetalism: Beetroot - Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

Sour - Berliner Weisse • 6.9% ABV • 8 IBU

Any tired hack can sit and try coming up with an idea that doesn’t come off as obsolete and yet won’t piss off the critics – that just won’t do. And so his impotent, pseudo-creative drive curves off like a disappointed hop out of bed. It’s an ailment of both body and soul. So get off your ass and try VEGETALISM! You’ve never tried beets like this before, thrown out onto a malt canvas and flipping a bird to all outdated conventions of brewing! Inspired by the radical drive of Suprematism we’ve brought in a dash of empire and red beets to re-imagine the Berliner Weisse. Avoiding a more conventional recipe helps us keep to a low bitterness, itself emerging from a thrilling composition of the bright acidity of lemon tones and the spicy astrin

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