Brasserie de la Senne × Cambridge Brewing Company

Пиво Narrenvat - Brasserie de la Senne, Cambridge Brewing Company

Brett Beer • 5.8% ABV

Narrenvat is the result of a collaboration with our friend Will Meyers from Cambridge Brewing Company in Cambridge/Boston. Will is one of the most experienced brewers of the United States and his beers are unanimously recognised for their subtlety.
The base of this beer is a Brown Ale, aged for 10 months in oak barrels, in which it fermented for a second time with Brettanomyces yeasts. It is inspired by the English beers of the past. Its body is dark copper with ruby reflections. Its nose develops flavours of red fruits (alcohol preserved cherries) and notes of malt (biscuit, brown candied sugar, caramel, and roasted hazelnuts). It is lightly bitter and slightly sour, with wine accents.
5,8% abv and very fresh, in spite of what we could think from its description. It reminds us of a Flemish Red, and this is not surprising: this style itself is inspired by the English beers of the 19th century…
75cl bottles available at the brewery and very soon at your distributor’s and in your favourite pubs!

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