
Пиво IPA Is Dead Galaxy - BrewDog

IPA - American • 6.7% ABV • 75 IBU
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IPA is dead showcases 4 killer hops varieties from 4 corners of the planet. The result is 4 radically different single hop IPAs. Each IPA contains the same malt backbone and is brewed to be 75 IBU and is enthusiastically kettle hopped and massively dry hopped. To appreciate the true character, flavour, power and aroma of our favourite hops you need them in their purest, undiluted form. Can you say you've ever experienced 100% pure hop awesomeness? IPA is Dead is brewed and bottled to do just that. The 2012 incarnation will see a mixed 4 pack of 4 single hop IPAs using HBC - a new American prototype hop, Galaxy - a killer Australian Hop, Challenger - a classic British hop and Moteuka - one of our favourite New Zealand hops.

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