Cigar City Brewing

Пиво Torcedores Series: Al's Little Margin Pils - Cigar City Brewing

Pilsner - Czech / Bohemian • 4.4% ABV

When Cigar City Brewing’s Chief Financial Officer, Al Alvarez isn’t gazing longingly at spreadsheets or re-reading Milton Friedman’s "A Monetary History of the United States" over a nice glass of Côte De Nuits, he enjoys a finely built Pilsner.. Having spent part of his military career in Germany, the man knows a thing or two about a good German Pils and has aimed to recreate his favorite Pilsner recipe with his first Torcedores beer. A clean, minerally nose with notes of fresh cut grass preludes a crisp, refreshing palate with light breadiness from Bohemian Pils malt and a spicy bitterness that’s at once complex and satisfying.

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