Dutch Bargain

Пиво 2019 - Coffee Connaisseur, moi? - Dutch Bargain

Stout - Russian Imperial • 13.0% ABV • 50 IBU
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

Re-Release of the first of the DB Signature Editions 2019. This time as our first beer of the 2019-2020 Seasonals. Same recipe, other design. So much thicker than his little brother from the Classic line, that he’s basically a brother-in-law. Twice as much cacoa nibs, extra alcohol, you do the math. Also added are Sumatra coffee beans, burned by our friends from Bosbrand. The soft, sweet and creamy hints of chocolate and Nitro Cold Brew coffee allow this beer a delicate piece of balance between all the violence.

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