Ghost Town Brewing

Пиво Black Is Beautiful - Ghost Town Brewing

Stout - Imperial / Double • 10.0% ABV

We're excited to join the growing list of 700+ breweries making Black is Beautiful. This incredible worldwide collaborative effort has been spearheaded by @weatheredsoulsbrewing a black-owned craft brewery in San Antonio, TX. Show some love, and give them a follow.⁠ ⁠ The Black is Beautiful beer initiative aims to bring attention to systemic injustices that black and POC folks are forced to reckon with every day. 100% of the proceeds from our batch will go to @antipoliceterrorproject, an Oakland-based organization working to dismantle entrenched networks of institutionalized racism and state-sanctioned violence. While we listen and reflect on ways to make our small corner of the world more inclusive, we also continue to stand in solidarity with the protesters in Oakland, and millions of people around the world demanding a long-overdue re-evaluation of the rotten organs of our society.

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