Gueuzerie Tilquin

Пиво Oude Gueuze Tilquin à l'Ancienne - Cuvée Jean-Paul - Gueuzerie Tilquin

Lambic - Gueuze • 7.0% ABV

GUEUZE TILQUIN À L'ANCIENNE – CUVÉE JEAN-PAUL was blended in honor of Jean-Paul Tilquin (1947 - 2010), father of Pierre, with 40% 1-year old lambics, 30% 2-year old lambics and 30% 3-year old lambics, all matured in oak barrels. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer was refermented and matured in the bottle for 2 years.
It is part of our Family Tree Project: a different blend for each member of the Tilquin family tree.

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