Jaws Brewery

Пиво Double Wheat Flip - Jaws Brewery

Bock - Weizenbock • 8.4% ABV • 20 IBU

The global move toward modern, dark brews has meant that some time-tested styles are forgotten and gather dust in some back-alley corner of the mind. Keeping in mind that there’s nothing truly new under the sun, even the hoppy dust collecting on these classic ideas acquires a golden hue and something downright magical. Thus it was that we breathed new life into the Weizen Bock, which had a hazy structure long before we thought to throw in New England yeast. Its wheaty body combines with Mosaic Lupulin for a juicy result: banana-clove notes complemented by a light, hoppy bitterness. Its rich, amber colour is infused with a thick layer of fruit and citrus taste – so swallow your pride and order a pint.

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Отзывы: 1

Axiom. Жесткий невстиль. Это как минимум дункельвайцен, а по аром-ке и отчасти вкусу некий недобарлик. Бакунин-барлик. Хз, но неплохо

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