Malanka × Jungle Brewery

Пиво Bahna: Whisky BA 2022 - Malanka, Jungle Brewery

Stout - Imperial / Double • 13.0% ABV

A collaboration with our friends from Jungle Brewery. This is the amalgamation of our struggles with oak barrels, time and beers dark as night. This imperial stout was brewed with loads of peated malt, some chocolate malt and roasted barley. It was then sent into whisky barrels previously holding spirits for more than half a century to age as long as it takes to become perfection. It smells like a weathered wooden shed on an Islay coast, just outside mainland Scotland, soaked by cold, wet and salty North Atlantic wind. But at the same time it reflects mystic nature of our very own and beloved Paliessie region on the south of Belarus, with its endless swamps, affluent rivers and deep forests. Jet black, lighly peated, distinctly woody, dry and so warming. Definitely a perfect one to enjoy by the fire, on a cold and rainy day.

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Шоколад, чернослив, виски, торф, легкая копченка. Мощно!

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