Jungle Brewery × Malanka

Пиво Navaĺnica: Cognac BA - Jungle Brewery, Malanka

Barleywine - American • 14.0% ABV

A lengthly and highly anticipated collab with the guys from Jungle Brewery. Almost two years ago, we brewed together a classic, thick barleywine of beautiful copper-to-cherry color with loads of specialty malts used for mashing. They brought the softness and special taste of creamy caramel and chocolate chip cookies to this heavy and warming beer. But we did not stop there, and sent this wonderful and insidious drink to rest in a real Frehch oak cognac barrel, where it spent more than a year, rounded and absorbed rich aromas of dark dried fruits, candies with cognac, caramelized nuts and light oak notes. We are sure that there are no borders for a good drink in terms of season, distance and time. It is just the result that matters.

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