Пиво A Touch of Zen Oolong & Honey Imperial Stout 禅馥 - Põhjala, MAHANINE BREWING 大九酿造

Stout - Imperial / Double • 11.0% ABV

Tea stands as a hallmark of Chinese culture, yet capturing its essence can be elusive, especially when striving to minimize the bitter taste that tannins may impart during brewing. In Estonia, the bounteous forest gifts include honey, an excellent complement to Oolong tea, enriching its character. This led to the creation of the Imperial Stout. This exclusive brew, crafted in a single batch with limited availability, is eagerly anticipated by connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike. 中国最具特色的必然是茶叶,茶叶很难出味,同时在酿造过程中又希望避免茶单宁与可能带来的明显苦味, 爱沙尼亚森林物产丰富,而花蜜是能够增色乌龙茶的不错选项。于是有了这款帝国世涛。 仅酿造一次,数量有限,我们非常期待这款作品!

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