
Пиво Valge Öö PX (Cellar Series) - Põhjala

Stout - Imperial / Double White / Golden • 11.9% ABV • 40 IBU
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Sherry barrel aged limited version of Valge Öö. Taste: Sweet dates and rich treacle mingle with coffee and raisins. A smoky, earthiness intrudes, followed by chilli spice, before being washed over by dark chocolate and yet more plums. Finally, you are left with the decadent aftertaste of sherry-soaked figs. Appearance: Rich, dark auburn, with a brief off-white head. Nose: Dark fruits, plums, massively rich chocolate, nuts, and a French espresso come through, followed by an unexpected aroma of chilli pepper, warming the aroma and enticing you in. Malts: Pale malt, Munich malt, Melanoid malt, Smoked malt, Oats, Demerara Sugar Hops: Magnum, Goldings

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