The Porterhouse Brew Co.

Пиво Red Ale - The Porterhouse Brew Co.

Red Ale - Irish • 4.2% ABV • 33 IBU

Counteracting the Red Menace. Irish red ales? Yes, we know. Sweet, a bit cloying and, well, no thanks. So, it was brave of us (we say bravely) to put the words “red ale” after our own moniker. Why the hell would we do that? Because this is a real red ale, an ale to conjure with that happens to be reddish in colour. More importantly, it’s exuberantly, joyfully fruity with a bit of malty caramel. But sweet? No way. Balanced, yes. Fresh, yes. Aromatic, yes. In fact, we say yes, please. Malts: Pale ALE Malt, Crystal malt, Wheat Malt, Black Malt Hops: Galena, Nugget, East Kent Goldings

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Места продажи пива
Москва, пер. Карманицкий 9
Телефон: +7 (499) 241-06-44
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