Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

Пиво Utopist - Бакунин / Bakunin Brewing Co.

IPA - New England / Hazy • 7.2% ABV • 40 IBU

In all likelihood, our current period will be called the “golden age of the NE IPA,” with eccentrically-shaped glasses across five continents being transformed into a take on Campanella’s City of the Sun. After some thought, we decided to dream up an original, double dry-hopped New England IPA according to the venerable canons of the genre: with yeast brought over by sea. Simple by design but far from simple-minded in structure, this is an IPA with rich, fruity layers thanks to Galaxy, El Dorado and Centennial. It may not entirely be utopia in a can, but this brew looks for perfection with all it’s got.

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