BrewDog × Stone Brewing

Пиво Bashah Reserve Imperial - BrewDog, Stone Brewing

IPA - Imperial / Double Black • 8.7% ABV • 90 IBU
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Bashah aged in an Imperial whisky cask with tayberry’s. What does it mean? Yes, what indeed does it all mean. Meaning of course is elusive and illusive. It can’t or shouldn’t be found on this bottle. Should it? Yet what if it was? Would you begin to look for pearls of wisdom or life direction on a beer label? Perhaps it’s been there all along. Since meaning is a mere illusion, perhaps we shouldn’t let it have any influence on our destiny. This particular beer refused to succumb to the illusion of meaning or allow capricious parameters to have any influence on its own fermented fate. Are we even asking the right question? Are you feeling frustrated in the emptiness? If so, that could be because someone got to this beer before you, and thus there’s a reason for that emptiness. It’s empty. And if so, perhaps there indeed is not any meaning for you here after all. Style over Substance, or Substance over the scriptures of Style? The latter, thank you very much. Twice.

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