Cigar City Brewing

Пиво Decoherence - Cigar City Brewing

Stout - Imperial / Double • 12.9% ABV
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

A 50/50 blend of two distinct beers: an imperial porter aged in bourbon barrels (Outskirts), and an imperial stout aged in brandy barrels (brewed only for this beer). Then, because we like to have fun, we aged it on coffee and coconut. The coffee blend for this beer was crafted by our brewmaster Wayne with our friends at Buddy Brew. Wayne wanted the blend to focus on rich chocolate notes to help accentuate the coconut. We used what can only be described as a “very large” amount of toasted coconut for this beer. We consulted some of our brewery friends in the industry and spent months in our lab dosing the proper amounts to ensure the final result was perfect.

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