DuClaw Brewing Company

Пиво Retribution (2013) - DuClaw Brewing Company

Stout - Imperial / Double • 11.5% ABV
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

First brewed in 2011 and released each October, Retribution is full-bodie and jet black with a small tan head and a complex flavor profile of dark chocolate, coffee, smoky malt, and dark fruit, concealing a massive, warming 11.2% abv. After fermentation, Retribution was aged for 6 months inside of bourbon barrels made from charred American White Oak and carefully monitored for 6 months before being bottled in individual runs from each barrel, making the beer from each barrel a unique drinking experience. The resulting Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout, infused with aromas and flavors of charred oak, vanilla and caramelized sugar, is a testament to craft brewing, and a physical manifestation of patience justified.

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