
Brussels Beer Project

Брюссель, Бельгия
"Leave the abbey, join the playground" Launched in 2013, BBP aims to co-create atypical beers inspired by both Belgian savoir-faire & new influences. Try the core range of 5 All-Stars and a new recipe every 2 week. Visit the experimental brewery in Brussels or one of the Taprooms in Paris or Tokyo.
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Коллаборации (5)


Дания, Копенгаген

Brouwerij de Molen

Нидерланды, Бодегравен

Austmann Bryggeri

Норвегия, Тронхейм

Two Chefs Brewing

Нидерланды, Амстердам

Whiner Beer Co.

США, Чикаго
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