Bräugier Craftbier

Пиво Victim of Gravity - Bräugier Craftbier

IPA - Imperial / Double • 8.2% ABV

You walk up to your favorite pub to grab a few beers one sunny afternoon. But this is no normal day. No! It will be a day filled with suspense, twists and turns. Just as you arrive, you see a seemingly healthy, fit man lose his balance, wobble, stumble before finally falling down. You wonder what caused this. “It’s too early in the afternoon for this to be a simple case of being drunk?” Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, you run through possibilities in your head. “Did someone drug him?” “Does he suffer from vertigo?” You overhear one of his friends say he is simply a Victim of Gravity. “A Victim of Gravity? That can’t make any sense?” Then, a shady character, mumbling something about home brewing, angrily grumbles “Gravity in beer leads to the amount of alcohol in the beer, you newbie!”. He pulls down his hoodie and disappears as quickly as he arrived. Bewildered, you are relieved to see that your friend has brought you a beer from the bar. It is beautiful orange haze, exploding with aroma and it goes down smooth. Too smooth. You have another and another, before feeling feel light-headed yourself. You look for somewhere to sit down and wonder if you have been afflicted with the same malady as the poor chap who fell down earlier. You tell your friend you are feeling woozy and that strange character in the hoodie reappears and ominously says, “you too are now a Victim of Gravity” Deviously delicious with a DDH of Amarillo, Mosaic and a dash of Citra.

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