BrewDog × Schorschbräu

Пиво Strength in Numbers - BrewDog, Schorschbräu

Bock - Eisbock • 57.8% ABV

Over a decade ago we entered an international ABV race against German brewery Schorschbräu to brew the world’s strongest beer. The back and forth that ensued became the stuff of beer legend. The time has come to pen another chapter in this epic saga. This time, it’s one of camaraderie as we join forces with Schorschbräu for the ultimate collaboration. Strength in Numbers is a 57.8% beer that reaches its colossal ABV through the traditional eisbock method, which means freezing the beer and removing chunks of ice (water) so that you’re left with the concentrated high ABV liquid. The beer also features a blend of BrewDog’s own Death or Glory, an ice distilled Belgian golden ale that’s been sitting in whisky casks for 10 years.

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