Firestone Walker

Пиво Firestone 25 (XXV) Anniversary Ale (2021) - Firestone Walker

Strong Ale - American • 11.5% ABV • 28 IBU
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

This year's winner, our 25th Anniversary Ale, is a blend of Parabola Autumn Edition, Tequila Barrel Merkin, Brandy Barrel Barley Wine, Stickee Monkee, and Whiskey Barrel Wheat Wine. -The Final Blend- Parabola Autumn Edition – Aged in Bourbon Barrels (41%) Russian Imperial Stout Tequila Barrel Merkin – Aged in Bourbon Barrels (28%) Milk Stout Brandy Barrel Barley Wine – Aged in Brandy Barrels (13%) Blonde Barley Wine Stickee Monkee – Aged in Bourbon Barrels (10%) Central Coastal Quad Whiskey Barrel Wheat Wine – Aged in Tequila Barrels (8%) Strong Golden Barley Wine

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