BrewDog × Mikkeller × Nøgne Ø

Пиво Horizon Tokyo Black - BrewDog, Mikkeller, Nøgne Ø

Stout - Imperial / Double • 16.0% ABV • 100 IBU
Это пиво больше не производится пивоварней.

On a cold, windy and rainy day in November 2010 we visited BrewDog together with world famous beer merchant Mikkeller. Our plan was to make a beer, which would be close to an interpolation between our individual brews Tokyo, Black and Dark Horizon. This beer should in turn be brewed by us and also for Mikkeller. It was called Black Tokyo Horizon. Unfortunately we have been very busy, but it is now time to make the second celebration of this great collaboration: Please welcome Horizon Tokyo Black! Ingredients: Water, Maris Otter, Chocolate malt, Roast barley, Peated malt, Amber malt, Black malt, brown malt, Aurora hops, demerara sugar, Flaked oats, yeast.

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