
Browar Zamkowy Cieszyn

Цешин, Польша

Gose z Marakują

Sour - Fruited Gose • 4.9% ABV • 8 IBU • 09.09.2020

Lekkie Żytnie

Rye Beer • 3.0% ABV • 18 IBU • 13.09.2020

Pink Boots

Pale Ale - American • 5.3% ABV • 30 IBU • 03.03.2022

The longest continuously operating craft brewery in Poland, which brews using traditional methods. It was built in 1846 by Archduke Charles Ludwig Habsburg. The brewery's portfolio includes over 50 beers that combine tradition with a new wave approach: from light and dark lagers, through top-fermented and heavily hopped beers, to styles aged in barrels after strong alcohols. Browar Zamkowy Cieszyn complex is included in the Silesian Industrial Monuments Route.

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Browar Pinta

Польша, Вепш


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