Jing A (京A) Brewing Co.

Пиво A Side · GriffO ( A面 · 鬼否) - Jing A (京A) Brewing Co.

IPA - Sour • 5.0% ABV

A sour IPA brewed with Hangzhou's math rock wunderkinds GriffO. It features local osmanthus, hibiscus, and a bass-line of Citra, Simcoe and Saaz hops. With floral and citrus notes, this polyphonic easy-drinker is kinetic and seductive, a high-energy sonic brew built like the band’s best songs. 京A和杭州数学摇滚乐队鬼否合作酿造的一款酸IPA。Citra、Simcoe、Saaz三种酒花,再加上采自杭州当地的桂花和洛神花,合奏出充满花香和柑橘香的愉悦和弦,清爽易饮。这款啤酒就像鬼否乐队的歌曲,充满了活力和能量,诱惑力十足。

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