Heroes Beer Co.

Пиво Grow Up Lemonade Milkshake IPA - Heroes Beer Co.

IPA - Milkshake • 5.0% ABV • 25 IBU

You win, here is your milkshake. You guys just absolutely need a milkshake to go with your burger don’t you? So we made a milkshake, with hops and fresh lemons, just for you. Using peels and pulps from local lemons produced by Siu Chak Farm in Yuen Long, this zesty, smooth lemonade milkshake IPA is our answer for all you overaged kids. Starts with bright lemon and bourbon vanilla pods on the nose, followed by stone fruits, pines and kaffir lime aromatics. Gulps down with moderate hops bitterness and zesty lemons that carries the dessert-like milkshake IPA to the end. Smooth and creamy texture, and finishes with a light refreshing tartness.

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